Invited Speaker
Prof. Rushana Eremina
Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute,FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Russia
Speech Title: Structure, Magnetic and Thermodynamic Properties of Heterometallic Ludwigites: Cu2GaBO5 and Cu2AlBO5
Abstract: Aims: These considerations motivated our present study to reveal the details and explain the mechanism of the field-driven destruction of long-range magnetic order in favor of a spin-glass-like state in copper ludwigites.
Methods: The magnetization M of single crystalline samples were measured on the PPMS-9 device within a temperature range 2K
Conclusions: The analysis of the phonon contribution to the specific heat was performed, that allowed to separate the magnetic contribution to the specific heat for both compounds.
Biography: Rushana Eremina is a Professor of Departments of physics at Kazan State University and the Head of the Laboratory of Radio Spectroscopy of Dielectrics (Kazan, Russia). Her research interests include magnetic resonance, phase separation, magnetic susceptibility, multiferroics, quasi-one dimensional magnets, anisotropic exchange interaction, nanocrystalline materials and glasses. She has published more than about 87 refereed journal papers with an H-index of 15 and 947+ citations. She has also been a reviewer of many journals, such as "Journal of Alloys and Compounds", "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials" Applied Magnetic Resonance" etc.